New notebooks and rearranging folders



Having just started using OneNote I'm finding it really great for my
purposes. However, as indicated by several other posters, there are some
minor issues that could use some tweaking =)

While it would be nice to have the ability to create multiple notebooks I
have gotten around this using sections. No biggie there and not my main beef.

What I WOULD like to see is drag and drop rearranging for folders much like
how you can drag pages up and down to rearrange them. Or, am I missing
something and this is actually already available and for some reason I'm
unable to do it??? The whole "move" function would be well enhanced if you
weren't limited to moving to only one possible location.

If there is currently a way to do this someone please let me know!
Otherwise I'd love to see this as a new feature in the future.


Erik Sojka (MVP)

I can confirm that full drag and drop arrangement of sections, pages,
folders, etc. is not available in the current version.

Per the 11/16/05 entry on Chris Pratley's blog
( this is in the works for the next
version of OneNote, currently in closed Beta.



Thanks for the reply. Good to know I'm not losing my mind! Also good to
hear that this is in the works for the next rev.




Hi Yee

If that is a feature you need to organize your increasing ink information,
ConceptNAV provides drop and drag characteristics to Evolution categories
and ink pages. You can drag pages between categories and show internal links
between ink pages.


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