New OneNote Functionality Suggestions ( I really want this stuff !



Here's some things that I am finding are not just nice-to-have's, but are
essentials for OneNote office useability. I expect all this is in the
pipeline already - but if not, then the userbase for this Microsoft app will,
I am sure, be smaller than this excellent software's potential. I think the
main user base for this app will end up being on non Tablet PCs - until
Tablet PCs become mainstream by being cheaper (i.e. when Dell start shipping
them in quantities !)

Outlook Dynamic Linking - the ability to paste a link into a note from
- an outlook task
- an outlook calendar item
and display a window (sizable) in the note where the Outlook items contents
can be seen ( or even edited )

Outlook Task Assignment (including categories) - the ability to select text
in a note and then in one or two easy clicks assign a Note Flag and create a
new Outlook task. There should be the ability to create tasks directly in
OneNote with outlook categories assigned ( this is great because I use the
Outlook plug in for Getting Things Done extensively - see ) -
what I mean is that with those one or two easy clicks, a could either create
a new task with a category automatically assigned for "Projects" or create
that task with a category automatically assigned for "Misc" or whatever...

Outlook Notes integration - this one has to be in the pipeline....the
ability to see my Outlook text based notes in OneNote, and to have them
sync'd automatically and immediately. Plus having them sync'd with my Pocket

OCR - the ability to have imported images scanned with OCR - so I can have
text recognised for:
- screen shots of web pages
- imports of notes from my Pegasus Notes Taker ( a great bit of kit - see )
I don't use a Tablet PC.

Excel Dynamic Linking - I want to have all my financial numbers running in a
combined spreadsheet ( which is linked into other database software for all
my accounting ), but I also want to see dynamic snapshots of sections of my
spreadsheet in my notes - e.g. I write up a note about buying a new yacht ( I
wish ) and I want to have an embedded pic of the part of my Excel file which
has the numbers for that project. Other office apps are not so important as
Excel for this type of linking ( except for Outlook, as described above).

Hope this blurb gets read. If this stuff can ( or is actually being )
built, this would be great. Thanks

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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

The "Create an Outlook Task" thing is already in OneNote 2003.

I can tell you that improved integration with Outlook is a priority item for
the next version, but I can't specifically say what that comprises just yet.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


jrleighton said:
Here's some things that I am finding are not just nice-to-have's, but are
essentials for OneNote office useability.
Outlook Task Assignment (including categories) - the ability to select text
in a note and then in one or two easy clicks assign a Note Flag and create a
new Outlook task. There should be the ability to create tasks directly in
OneNote with outlook categories assigned ( this is great because I use the
Outlook plug in for Getting Things Done extensively - see ) -
what I mean is that with those one or two easy clicks, a could either create
a new task with a category automatically assigned for "Projects" or create
that task with a category automatically assigned for "Misc" or whatever...

Well there seems to be improved integration in Onenote 2007 but it isn't as
slick as you describe.. basically you can't directly create tasks in Onenote
2007 with the categorises assigned.
You can:
- create the task in Oneonte 2007 (thats good)
BUT from what I can see you you have to open up Outlook to assign the
category... surely it would be better for users to do this in Onenote?
Then, when you go into outlook to edit the task the only information that is
copied over seems to be the link back to Onenote, none of the text is copied
over, which is a real pain if you've got lots of tasks in onenote.

Onenote doesn't seem to have the concept of categories at all.

I appreciate these comments come from prelaunch information about a pre-beta
release but there's limited opportunity for us users to influence this
product now its half a year away from release and personally I think the new
release is slightly off target at the present !

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