Thanks for your time. Actually, I want to achieve to things:
1. Add "New...." popup under the File Menu and hide the default
"New..." popup.
"Popup" has a more specialized meaning in this small corner of the universe: the
menus that pop up eg. when you right click something. That had me a bit confused
at first, but let's make sure I've got it:
You mean the New item under File on the main menu bar, right?
2. Associate this popup menu with an action, when clicked, it will open
the New Presentation dialog instead of using the File/New/In the Task
Pane Templates, click On My Computer method.
To add a new menu item:
With Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar")
With .Controls("File")
With .Controls.Add ' use optional type, id, parameter, *before* etc.
' params to control type of control and where it's added
' ex. add it before existing File then delete File
.Caption = "Blah"
.Tooltip = "Run the subroutine named BlahMacro"
.OnAction = "BlahMacro"
End With
End With
End With
But as I mentioned, I don't believe there's any way to invoke a feature that
doesn't exist any longer. Do you have reason to believe that the New Presentation
dialog is still there?