New problem with freezing when try to insert pictures



suddenly Word freezes completely when i try to insert an image from a file.
It never opens the window to select an image from - it just freezes
immediately. I have used the computer for this task literally hundreds of


ok i am having the problem listed in internet explorer as well. unfortunately
the computer-speak garbage that microscoft issues does not help me at all.
how do i fix my computer? if i follow the resolution using registry edit
advice should i then close verclisid.exe? AM i about to get into more
trouble? can i simply remove the update?

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

You can uninstall the
(MS06-015) update from Start | Control Panel | Add or Remove
Programs. But if automatic updates are enabled on your computer,
then the update may be reinstalled automatically. Uninstalling
the MS06-015 update will leave your system unprotected against
the issue described at .

If you aren't comfortable with editing the Windows registry
yourself, then go to and scroll
down to Item No. 383 "Hewlett-Packard's Share-to-Web software -
Fix". Download and run the script to automatically modify your
registry as described in KB918165. You may need to temporarily
disable your antivirus program in order to safely run the script.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Alternatively, uninstall the update and don't accept it again until Tuesday,
when a revised (corrected) version is expected to be available.

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