New Record



I am writing records to a DB and want to use the "New Record" button to clear
the form so the user can fill out a new form essentially. Of the 10 fields,
4 of them are repeated. Is there any way to clear the form and bring the
previous 4 fields back so the user does not have to re-key them?

1: We can copy the data fields to th query fields and then copy them back,
but we need 3 buttons to do that...yuck. e.g. copy button, new record
button, paste button. I'm hoping there is a cleaner way.
2: Can we call the "New Record" from code? If so, than we can use 1 button.

Clay Fox

Typically I do not use the new record button and instead just refresh the
fields myself.
On the submit or save button, have rules which set the fields you want reset
back to blank and keep the others you want to persist.
If the default (template) data fields are part of the table info then you
could create a template record which you could query immediatly after saving
which could be used.
There are way to copy records in code too.
You may also want to check out the Database Accelerator since it gives you a
lot more capabilities for working with SQL data.

Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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