New : Single Task multiple assignment unit % for the same resource



I have a task to which I have assigned a resource. However I want this
resource to work on another item as well for part of the time and then
continue to work on this task 100%.

How do I set this up in project 2003?

my task is develop code - my resource is developer - I want him to work 50%
on the task for 5 days and then 100% for 3 days. I have a second resource
also allocated to this task - developer 2 - and he is allocated 100% to this

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi James

the easiest way to do this (IMHO) is to assign the resources at 100% and
then go into the Task Usage View (view / task usage) .. find the task and
edit the actual hours assigned to each resource on the appropriate days.

hope this helps


Many Thanks Julie I'll give that a go.

JulieD said:
Hi James

the easiest way to do this (IMHO) is to assign the resources at 100% and
then go into the Task Usage View (view / task usage) .. find the task and
edit the actual hours assigned to each resource on the appropriate days.

hope this helps

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