christophercbrewster via OfficeKB.com
[Word 2003/XP] I created a new template from a copy of another one-- I
wanted to keep much from the old one but get a new look. I ran into some
weird problems with styles, but eventually everything seemed OK. But now,
when I create a new document, Word freezes. All I can do is kill the task and
let the little window send a note somewhere. I think in deep weeds. How can I
troubleshoot a template?
wanted to keep much from the old one but get a new look. I ran into some
weird problems with styles, but eventually everything seemed OK. But now,
when I create a new document, Word freezes. All I can do is kill the task and
let the little window send a note somewhere. I think in deep weeds. How can I
troubleshoot a template?