New Template in Word 2008


Lynn Q

Hi there,

After making a wonderful greeting card, half-fold 8.5 x 11 page, and saving
a template of same, is there a way to have this template show up on the
Publications Templates display either under the Invitations tab or perhaps
create a new template tab for Cards?

If you could guide me as to how accomplish this or recommend an internet

Thank you!


JE McGimpsey

Lynn Q <> said:
Hi there,

After making a wonderful greeting card, half-fold 8.5 x 11 page, and saving
a template of same, is there a way to have this template show up on the
Publications Templates display either under the Invitations tab or perhaps
create a new template tab for Cards?

If you could guide me as to how accomplish this or recommend an internet

Not sure about a new template tab, but here's how I'd do it to display
it under Invitations.

First, I'd save it in my User Templates folder:

~:Library:Application Support:Microsoft:Office:User Templates:My
Publication Templates

where ~ is your home directory, or some other safe location (so that it
won't get wiped out if you for some reason uninstall Office). Then
create an alias of the file, and move it to the

HD:Applications:Microsoft Office


Of course, if you save it in the My Publications Templates folder, it
will show up in the Publications Templates elements under "My

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