Hello Ken,
Thanks for the response. The link you gave is excellent.
First thing I want to ask, is there a way to digitally sign add-in created
in VB6?
I created a test add-in for outlook and with security level set to High, it
load add-ins which are not digitally singed and trusted. Until now I only
used macros
which can be so easily signed with a digital certificate.
Second thing: there are many antivirus programs like symantec etc., which "I
do catch event when outlook connects to an smtp or pop3 server and proxy for
end servers.
(The reason I believe they catch this event, is that if the smtp or pop3
server is un-reachable,
those antivirus programs just don't come in to picture and keep silence.)
I did lot of web search in past few hours about catching this event but in
I am very qurious how those antivirs folks manage it.