If you need the two dates, side by side, in a singe row, you need to refer
to the table twice, though a join, as example.
SELECT a.dateWork, b.dateWord,
FROM (myTable AS a LEFT JOIN myTable As b ON a.dateWork > b.dateWork)
LEFT JOIN myTable AS c ON a.dateWork
GROUP BY a.dateWork, b.dateWork
HAVING Nz(b.dateWork = MAX(c.dateWork), true)
Note that I used outer join since the very earliest date won't have any
'previous date'. As it is, anything you will refer through the alias b could
be seen as data relevant to the working date before the data you can access
through alias a.
dateWork Event
2001.01.05 "Nothing"
2001.01.06 "Again, nothing
2001.01.12 "Now, something""
should, with
SELECT a.dateWork, b.dateWork, LAST(a.event), LAST(b.event) FROM ...
2001.01.05 null nothing null
2001.01.06 2001.01.05 again nothing nothing
2001.01.12 2001.01.06 now something again nothing
Hoping it may help
Vanderghast, Access MVP