New To Pivot Table


mo almasri

I have the following sales data:
dept, category, description, Qty sold, sold price, total sale, date sold,
cost,profit,prfit margin. the following is an example:
12 pks,miller lite, 2, 7.99, 15.98, 7/1/05, 13.98, 2, 14%
The 12 pks represents the ctegory, miller lite represents the description,
and soforth. I have about 15 different departments, I would like to setup a
pivot table to track and compare the data per week, month, quarters and year,
for example:
total sales, profit, cost, profit margin for the first week on july for each
department compared with the same data for the second week and soforth.
I am not familiar with excel and i realy appreciate your help guys.
thanks in advance mo,
my e.mail is (e-mail address removed). if someone wants to send me any info.

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