New to Pivot Tables



I need to create a pivot table for my managers so they can see the
productivity of our call center.

If someone can help me organize the pivot table OR my data so that my pivot
table comes out as I envision it, I would much appreciate it.

First the data (Columns of the data, per agent)
Name Group Feb27Total Feb 27HrTotal Feb27AM Feb27PM Feb27OT
Feb28Total Feb 28HrTotal Feb28AM Feb28PM Feb28OT (etc. thru Mar6th)

I want my pivot table to be able to sort by agent's group (Page), name
(row), and also give all the date for each date. This is where I get mixed
up. I can do the pivot with one set of data if it is laid out this way:

J. Doe Feb27Total 10
Feb 27HrTotal 09:01:33
Feb27AM 2
Feb27PM 3
Feb27OT 2

But I want something more like this with all the dates in separate columns.

Group #1

J. Doe Feb27Total 10 Feb28Total 6 etc. ==>
Feb 27HrTotal 9:01:33 Feb28HrTotal 9:08:44
Feb27AM 2 Feb28AM 1
Feb27PM 3 Feb28PM 1
Feb27OT 2 Feb28OT 3

M. Smith Feb27Total 18 Feb28Total 12 etc. ==>
Feb 27HrTotal 9:21:53 Feb28HrTotal 9:05:42
Feb27AM 5 Feb28AM 8
Feb27PM 8 Feb28PM 1
Feb27OT 1 Feb28OT 3


How do I do that, or can I put multiple pivot tables on one sheet and have
the "group" function govern all data?


Dave Peterson

This isn't gonna be pretty...

The first thing I would do is rearrange the raw data.

I'd put the name in column A.
I'd put the Group in column B.
I'd put the date in column C.
I'd put the type in column D (AM, PM, OT)
(and not put the totals in--let the pivottable add them up)

I think the pivottable would be easier to generate.

Dave F

One suggestion: Put the dates in rows and the agents in columns. My guess is
you have fewer agents than dates.

Very wide pivot tables quickly become unwieldy, especially if you either
have to print them, or else send them to people unfamiliar with their layout.



The data is actually unwieldy in my opinion, but I still need to report the
data. It goes from Columns A to AT (46 columns) and has 5 data points per day
(shift time, total calls, calls in first hour, calls in last hour, calls in
OT hour). The other columns are misc information.

How about linking multiple pivot tables? The names in each group do not
change and the 5 data points will always have data, even if they are off that
day. Ideally I'd like to have choice of date, but I'm sure they'd like to see
trends over the entire week instead of just the data for the day, so
separating by day may not be needed.

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