New to Project- Outlook Integration



I'm trying to figure out how Project interacts with
Outlook. I need to ues Outlook for my communications.
How does Project notify resources of their tasks?

Thank you.

Mike Glen

Hi Ron,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Project can only use Outlook when you have set up a workgroup. Read Help for
Workgroups or Outlook.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Pat Kelecy

There was another post on this topic that indicated Project Server was
needed for this. Is that correct?


No, Project Server is not necessary for Project to interface with
Outlook. It may make the interface more convenient, but Server is not
necessary. I understand that Project 2003 also has more built-in
functionality for working with Outlook but that functionality can always
be replicated with VBA.

Depending on how you want to interface Project and Outlook. Some
functionality for using Outlook to send updated status is provided in
Project 98. Project 2000 adds features for:
1. Using the Outlook address book to enter resources into a Project plan
2. Setting an Outlook reminder in Project
3. Tracking Project Work in an Outlook journal

I don't know if Project 2002 has any more Outlook/Project functionality
but it may.

Hope this clarifies.

Pat Kelecy

Thanks John for the reply.

I'm using Project 2002 Pro. I'm not that familiar with the older versions,
but am wondering if some of this may have changed with the newer versions.
I looked in "Special Edition Using Microsoft Project 2002" by Tim Pryron
(which seems pretty thorough) but it didn't mention much about this outside
of Project Server (except to say you can import tasks). The help in Project
didn't either, and the link provided by Gerard indicated the Workgroup
Message Handler is no longer support in Project 2003. Do you know of any
other references on this? If you can integrate with Outlook (sans Project
Server) I wonder why there isn't more written on this?

Thanks again. -Pat

Pat Kelecy

Sorry - what I said was wrong. Workgroup Mail is no longer supported in
Project 2003, not Workgroup Message Handler.


I only have Project 2000 so I don't know if the Project/Outlook features
I mentioned were changed in Project 2002 or 2003. However, as I noted in
my original post, you can do virtually anything you want with VBA and it
is available in all versions of Project.


Pat Kelecy

Thanks again. I've never used VBA, but it looks interesting. What would be
the best way to lean it? {Any good references you could recommend?).



If anyone is still listening to this thread, I am trying to do the same thing, but I need some clarification

I am trying to create an environment such that when a person is assigned to a task in Project, they get a task on their task list in Outlook. Is this the kind of integration people are trying to do? If so, can I do it without MS Project Server? If so, can I do it with MS Project 2003 Standard or do I need Professional?

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