NEW to Word - Mail Merge Template with Graphics for Name Tags



Has anyone done a name tag layout with a graphic background along with merge
fields and saved as a template?

I am new to Word 2000 and I know that there is mail merge documents so I can
sent a *.txt file from Access and merge it to word. But now I need to add a
graphic so that I can do 4 name tags per page.

Anyone have any info on how I can do that?

ANY help would be appreciated.


Charles Kenyon

Are you merging a graphic (different for each record) or do you simply want
to merge text into nametags that have graphic elements?

If the latter, nametags are labels in Word. See Graham Mayor's site for his word tip page about graphics on labels. I don't
know the answer if you are trying to merge an actual graphic like a photo.
While I assume it would be possible, I don't have a clue how I would
approach it, other than that your data source will have to be something
other than a txt file.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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Thanks for the speedy reply. Yup I am doing a label type format with the
same graphic on each. It didn't even dawn on me to set it up as a label
format. Thanks for the direction.


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