New Unfiled Blank Pages questions



Quite often I'll click on the icon when I'm on the phone or a thought
comes up but then decide that I don't need to record anything (take
notes) so I exit the side note. When I open OneNote all of these
related blank sidenotes appear and I have to individually delete

Is there any way to stop OneNote from saving blank pages when I click
on the icon and close without input?


Erik Sojka (MVP)

Not that I know of. You have to continue to manually delete the pages.

OneNote generally doesn't do that type of automated cleanup for you, and
the Side Note interface is basically a slimmed-down UI of the full ON
program. By that I mean - if you are in the full ON program and create a
new Page and then leave it blank, ON won't automatically clean it up or
delete it.

That's an interesting thought though and maybe something they can consider
for the next version. I run into that a lot but I frequently clear out my
UFN section anyway, so it's not as annoying to me ;)

Rev. Michael L. Burns


I am assuming you are referring to the SideNote capabilities from the
taskbar. I too, often open it to record a note or something only to change
my mind and close it. To get around creating a new blank note in the unfiled
notes section when I close the SideNote, I click the "delete This Page" icon
on the SideNote toolbar before exiting the SideNote. It looks like a blank
page with a red 'x' in the lower right of the icon. This deletes the current
blank page and displays the last unfiled note at which time you can just
close the SideNote.

If the "delete this page" icon is not displaying on the SideNote toolbar you
can get it to do so by adding it from the toolbar options. If it is not
among the initial buttons displayed, find it from the add new buttons

Hope this helps. Has saved me a lot of deleting since before adding the
button, I was deleting a lot of blank pages just as you are.

Also, I like to add titles to my SideNote pages like I see in a normal
OneNote page. I added the "Add Page Title" to the menu and click it first
once I create a new SideNote. You add it just like any other button although
as I remember it takes a little searching for it.



Wow Michael, this helps a lot. I assume you meant the 'Titles in Page
Tabs' command, right? It seems to operate in that manner.

Your reply was very helpful and applicable.


Rev. Michael L. Burns


As mentioned, I like to add titles to my SideNote pages like I see in the
top-left of my normal OneNote page which is then reflected in the page tab.
.. (If you don't see this on your normal OneNote pages you can enable it by
going to "Format' and selecting "Show Page Titles).

I added the "Add Page Title" to the menu of my SideNotes and click it first
once whenever I create a new SideNote. You add it just like any other button
although as I remember it takes a little searching for it..

Here is how I added it. On the far right of the SideNote toolbar is a button
that looks like a down arrow. Click it and then click on 'add or remove
buttons. Then click on Customize. Click the commands tab and in the
Categories window on the left click 'select all commands". In the window on
the right (should show commands in alphabetical order) scroll down to 'Show
Page Title'. I then just drag it to the SideNote toolbar.

Hope this helps. By-the-way, I can claim no credit for these tips. I was the
benefactor of these through another user in this forum some time ago (whose
name is long forgotten) and am just passing on what has helped me a great



Thanks Michael it now works as described and instructed. You credit
the creator (originator), while I'll thank the messenger.

Little play on words...........


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