New (unread) task that isn't there



I am using Outlook XP on XP Pro, and am not using an Exchange server.

Somebody in the office sent me a new task - I know it is there because my
task folder is in bold and has (1) next to it, indicating that there is a
new, unread task. I can not see this new task anywhere within the folder.
Is there a trick to make the new task show up?

Thank you

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Try temporarily changing the view of your Tasks folder to By Category,
which by default is unfiltered, and see if the task shows up there. If
so, then you must have a filter set on your usual view of the Tasks
folder that is hiding that task for some reason.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Cherry Qian


Thank you for the posting. As you indicated, you cannot see the new unread
task in Outlook.

This can be related to the Current View you selected.

Select the Tasks folder, click View, Current View.

Change to By Category and see if the task shows up there.

If so, you may have a filter set on your usual view of the Tasks folder
that is hiding that task for some reason.

If By Category still cannot show up the task, please try another view. You
can try all the views one by one to see which one can enable you to see the
new unread task.

Hope the above information and suggestion helps and answers your question.
If anything is unclear, please let me know.


Cherry Qian
MCSE2000, MCSA2000, MCDBA2000
Microsoft Partner Online Support

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Cherry Qian


Thank you for the posting. I am glad to hear the issue is resolved. If
anything is unclear or there is anything further we can help you with from
our side, please let me know and we will try our best to assist you.

Have a nice day!


Cherry Qian
MCSE2000, MCSA2000, MCDBA2000
Microsoft Partner Online Support

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