New User Settings bypass



We are trying to standardize PowerPoint per user on a machine for general use
- having many users.

I can set registry entries to get the behavior I want, specifically
ssEndOnBlankSlide = 0 as one example. If I save these settings in the
registry, under HKCU and HKLM to include the .default profile, the settings
do not propogate down to the users and they must manually be set per user. I
used a batch file in their startup directory that fixes this issue, but I
would rather know how to set the registry correctly.

Additionally, when a new user logs into this public machine, the new user
setup with username and initials, etc, comes up. I'd like to bypass this and
have those registry settings set for this new user.

I have been looking and asking everywhere I can find and would appreciate
words on fixing this issue.

Steve Rindsberg

We are trying to standardize PowerPoint per user on a machine for general use
- having many users.

I can set registry entries to get the behavior I want, specifically
ssEndOnBlankSlide = 0 as one example. If I save these settings in the
registry, under HKCU and HKLM to include the .default profile, the settings
do not propogate down to the users and they must manually be set per user. I
used a batch file in their startup directory that fixes this issue, but I
would rather know how to set the registry correctly.

Additionally, when a new user logs into this public machine, the new user
setup with username and initials, etc, comes up. I'd like to bypass this and
have those registry settings set for this new user.

I have been looking and asking everywhere I can find and would appreciate
words on fixing this issue.

This seems to be more a question of what .DefaultUser settings get propagated
automatically to a newly created user's profile (and what control you have over
it) than a PPT specific question.

I wonder if one of the Windows groups might be a good place to ask this as well.

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