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For many years I have been a WordPerfect only user, which I am very
comfortable with. Even though with WPX3 I am able to convert all Word
documents, and also save to Word for transmittal purposes, but because all
of my contacts use Word, I think it's now time for me to at least learn how
to use it. I am going to install Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer and
wonder whether there are any WordPerfect users out there that can give me
some guidelines for an easy change-over, or suggest where I should go to get
them. If so, I'd be most grateful.


Hi Shirley

I'm no expert so I won't even try to tell you, though I'm sure there'll be
lots of help, on this the most civilised newsgroup on Usenet.

But I will say this: after many many years of WordPerfect I too took the
plunge for much the same reasons as you. I found the learning curve a bit
steep at first but I found it very worthwhile. In my opinion Word is a
vastly superior and more complex application. I use Word 2000 which is very
stable. I found it best to turn off the option to emulate WordPerfect and to
dive in at the deep end. The hardest thing to grasp for me was that there is
no "display codes" as such. The codes for formatting are invisibly embedded
in the paragraph marks. (I think that's right). Anyway, I'm sure you're
doing the right thing. Word has virtually endless capability. And I speak as
one who has progressed through manual typewriting, vi, Electric Pencil,
Scripsit and a host of other early attempts. So I still marvel at the
simplest thing, like word wraparound. Good luck.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

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