New View in Project Center



I create a new view for the Project Center. I add the feld "actual work" to
this view.
Then I test zhe view. Everything is ok. But the Feld "actual work" is for
all Projects 0. By the old views there is no problem.
I can copy one of the old vies to use "actual work" to solve this proble.
But i want to learn the reason of it.
Thank you...

Marc Soester


can you please go back into your "Manage Views" and modify this view.
Eventhough you do have moved "Actual Work" already to the right side, can you
please check on the left side for "Actual Work" again. There are actually 2
Actual Work ( dont know why, but I had the same problem) on the left side. If
you move this over to the right side and remove the "old" actual work you
should be able to see what you are after.
hope this helps


Hi Marc..
Thanks for your reply. You mean probably "actual work protected" (I dont
know how it is called in english I use the geramn versinon). Anyway that is a
I can also modify an ald view and rename it (in old views I can see the
values of "Actual work").
But i just wanted to learn the reason:
Why is the Feld "Actual work" by new views alwasy empety?
Thank you..

Marc Soester


Actually, there are 2 "Actual Work" Columns ( I dont mean actual work
protected - ich kenn den deutschen Ausdruck nicht :) ) -- Please look into
your view where the actual work is already in the "displayed fields" (left
side). I am certain that if you search for "actual work" in Available fields
(right side), you will find another one and by replacing the 2 will give you
your goal.

Why there are 2 actual work fields? Well I dont know :) but at least you
have a nice work arround.
Viel Spass

Marc Soester
Program Manager &
Senior Product Specialist

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