New Web Design Tool for Company Website



Hi there
I have been put in charge of finding a new web design tool for our company
website. Let me give you a bit of background first:
Our current website has a total of 21 pages, which will probably grow.
We currently use DotNetNuke to update the website. We use predesigned
stylesheets. These styles will be redesigned by a marketing firm working in

I am currently looking at Publisher, Frontpage, DotNetNuke version 4.0.3 and
Macromedia Dreamweaver.

I have experience with Dreamweaver and basic HTML, but I am by no means a

I'm looking for feedback regarding the pros and cons of these web design
tools. I've read that Publisher has a limitation as to the amount of pages
within a website and that its not actually a web design tool. I'd like to
hear what you have to say about the other tools as well.

Appreciate any and all feedback I receive.

Thank you


I am currently looking at Publisher

Publisher only does web pages if you hold both eyes closed with a heavy dose
of Versed.

You may also want to include Microsoft's Expression Web Designer in your
list - it's mighty nice, even though it's not out of beta yet.
Nevertheless, I am confident that this product will be a FINE addition to
the Web Authoring world.

Andrew Murray

Forget Publisher - it is not a web design tool.

Dreamweaver is fine as you say you're experienced using it. I'd have thought
using a GUI web development tool would take away the requirement to "be" a

Frontpage is probably the best for ease of use and for quickly putting pages
together, just as good as any other, but you may need a bit of
scripting/programming experience to fully accomplish what you want, if you
don't use the inbuilt FP tools like form handlers etc.


Thank you for the responses.

Just one more question: As we are already a Microsoft shop, would it make
sense to choose with Frontpage?

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