newbe VB application in Excel



Hello All,

I am writing an application in Excel VB editor to interface some GPI
devices for testing and datalogging.

I have writen the code to operate the devices but need help with th
user interface.

How do I make only a userform show when the excel file is opened?
need to make certain that the user can never alter the spredsheet o
code, what is the best way to deal with this?

Thanks in advance

Vacation's Over

Look into saving the file as an addin
when opened all code works but sheets are not visible to user

for you to view sheets you need to goto VBE window>properties ISADDIN = false
then make changes and reset to True


I tried saving as an addin, but I don't understand VB and Excel enoug
to see how this helps me.
Is there a way to make the Excel page not visible and just have my for
visible? Then I can have a password msgbox that will make everythin
visible if I want to edit the code or a user wants access to the dat
stored on the spreadsheet


Sorry to bump, but this forum fills quickly! Could someone give me mor
information to help me with my question, such as is it even possible t
do what I'm asking or do I need to use VB6.0? Thanks

Vacation's Over

1) saving as an addin means that the user cannot see the sheets
2) if you put code in the Workbook_open event to show your form it will show
3) Just because you "save as addin" does not mean that you have to load it
as an addin -
Allow teh user to "open" the addin and the _open code will show the form
but the "as addin' will hide the sheets

This should address your issue, search other addin pposts here for code
samlpes and ideas.


Hi Jimbo... yes, it is easily possible...

Also, I've done a lot of work on getting excel charts to work on Excel
userforms (kind of the holy grail of VBA programming) with excellent

Write to me at: mikep@centellax *dot* com
(fix the *dot* ... I hate spam)


: Sorry to bump, but this forum fills quickly! Could someone give me more
: information to help me with my question, such as is it even possible to
: do what I'm asking or do I need to use VB6.0? Thanks.

: --
: jimbo_jones
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