Raffi Bearmant
Dear All,
Plz excuse my ignorance, but we were all one ignorant, right?
Anyway I have learned to setup my tasks etc. WHat I would like to do is the
Accourding to the plan my project will be completed on Jan 24. Now of cource
this is true if everything goes as planned. However today my working time
was interupted and I only got half of my work in. How can I see how this
adjusts the final outcome of the project.
In other words I want to enter how much I worked today (and tomorow and so
on) and have project screem at me: "look if this is what you did your
project will be completed on XYZ"
Thank you
Plz excuse my ignorance, but we were all one ignorant, right?
Anyway I have learned to setup my tasks etc. WHat I would like to do is the
Accourding to the plan my project will be completed on Jan 24. Now of cource
this is true if everything goes as planned. However today my working time
was interupted and I only got half of my work in. How can I see how this
adjusts the final outcome of the project.
In other words I want to enter how much I worked today (and tomorow and so
on) and have project screem at me: "look if this is what you did your
project will be completed on XYZ"
Thank you