Newbie Automation Access Talks Excel



Dear All,

I want to learn Access Automation
I want to "Talk" with Excel
I do not how to start

I found an Automation example

I do not understand it

I have at C:\Spreadsheests\Searches\ a spreadsheet called

I want access inserts a new column between columns B and C in
In the new Column, insert in cell B1 "Hello Word"
Return to Access and run an Action Query to Append
in my MyKeywords_Tbl the cell B1

How can I do this?

Is easier the automation in Access 2003? I have Access 2002 with SP3

Is there any ActiveX or class library for developers?

Thanks in advance
Antonio Macias

Douglas J. Steele

Record a macro in Excel that does what you want. Look at the VBA code
generated. That should give you a start as to how to do it through

You might also see whether my July, 2005 "Access Answers" column in Pinnacle
Publication's "Smart Access" helps. You can download the column (and sample
database) for free at

Karrisa Crook

Well It's the same way with me I just aint found anything yet can you please
help me it's something I really want to do.
Thank you, Karrisa Crook


Dear Karrisa Crook,

In order to try to understand first you need to download the column
(and sample database) by Doug Steele

Read the AA200507.pdf "Access Answers: Excelling automatically"

..I "think" if you change the following lines from my code

MyCuWorkBook = Forms!MainExclude_Form!DefaultKeyword & ".xls"
MyCuWorkSheet = "Results from Space Hound"


MyCuWorkBook = Your Workbook Name (sample.xls)
MyCuWorkSheet = Your WorkSheet Name (Sheet1)

The code will run for you as example

I still have many questions to ask, try my code and let us know if it
worked for you
If not someone else will help us :)

To all gurus:
I am developing the code as "Late Binding" I will like to convert to
"Early Binding"
What do I have to change in my code?

My Entire code:

Sub ReadFromWorkbook()
' This code was originally written by
' Doug Steele, MVP (e-mail address removed)
' You are free to use it in any application
' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' Description: This routine opens an Excel Workbook using the value of
' TextBox: DefaultKeyword from the Form named MainExclude_Form
' in the same folder as the Database, and read a Worksheet
' named Results from Space Hound in that Workbook. If the Worksheet
' exists, the routine makes sure that cell A1 contains
' the words "File Name". If it does, it displays the
' contents of cell A2 in a message box.
' Inputs: None

Dim booXLCreated As Boolean
Dim objActiveWkbk As Object
Dim objActiveWksh As Object
Dim objXL As Object
Dim strWorkbookName As String
Dim MyCuWorkBook As String 'My Current Work Book
Dim MyCuWorkSheet As String 'My Current Work Sheet

'Acces 2002 Make sure Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library is included
in the 'References
'Acces 2003 Make sure Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library is included
in the 'References

On Error GoTo Err_ReadFromWorkbook

'Initialize Variables
MyCuWorkBook = Forms!MainExclude_Form!DefaultKeyword & ".xls"
MyCuWorkSheet = "Results from Space Hound"

strWorkbookName = CurrentDb().Name
MsgBox strWorkbookName

'Determine the full path to the desired Workbook
strWorkbookName = Left$(strWorkbookName, _
Len(strWorkbookName) - Len(Dir$(strWorkbookName))) & _
MsgBox strWorkbookName

'Check to make sure the Workbook exists

If Len(Dir(strWorkbookName)) = 0 Then
MsgBox strWorkbookName & "Workbook Not Found"

MsgBox strWorkbookName & "Workbook Found"

'Get a instance of Excel that we can use
'If it's already open, use it.
'Otherwise, create an instance of Excel

On Error Resume Next
Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

'An error will be raised if Excel isn't already open.

If Err.Number = 0 Then
booXLCreated = False
MsgBox "Err.Number is Not equal to 0"
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
booXLCreated = True
MsgBox "Err.Number is Diferent to 0"
End If

On Error GoTo Err_ReadFromWorkbook

objXL.Application.Workbooks.Open strWorkbookName


If .Range("A1") = "File Name" Then
MsgBox "Cell A2 contains " & .Range("H1"), vbOKOnly + vbInformation
MsgBox "Cell A1 does not contain File Name", vbOKOnly + vbCritical
End If
End With

End If

On Error Resume Next
objXL.Application.worksbooks(MyCuWorkBook).Close SaveChanges:=False
If booXLCreated Then
End If
Set objXL = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " in ReadFromWorkbook", _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "I can not read from Workbook"
Resume End_ReadFromWorkbook

End Sub

Douglas J. Steele

Why bother changing to Early Binding? It's just going to cause you problems
when you have users with a different version of Excel than you.

If you're determined, though, change

Dim objActiveWkbk As Object
Dim objActiveWksh As Object
Dim objXL As Object


Dim objActiveWkbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim objActiveWksh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objXL As Excel.Application

(after you've added the correct reference to Excel, of course)

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