I'll try and explain this the best I can
I started a new job and every so often I am responsible for downloadin
from an online server (.txt files), then copy/pasting them into word so I ca
format them (margins, font size, alignment, etc). Twenty types of reports
22 different companies. It's boring, monotonous work
I've created macros to help with this, the only problem is each report onl
identifies the company through its district/county number at the top of th
(for example, "district: 099 county: 227"
. The company name is no
I have to look at a separate sheet that has all the company names and numbe
manually add the company's name to the top of the report. I'm wondering, i
there a way for word to do this automatically? Like is there a way I can ge
Word to recognize that district x and county y on a form is company name z
automatically add that company's name to the top of the report
Thanks in advance.
I'll try and explain this the best I can
I started a new job and every so often I am responsible for downloadin
from an online server (.txt files), then copy/pasting them into word so I ca
format them (margins, font size, alignment, etc). Twenty types of reports
22 different companies. It's boring, monotonous work
I've created macros to help with this, the only problem is each report onl
identifies the company through its district/county number at the top of th
(for example, "district: 099 county: 227"
I have to look at a separate sheet that has all the company names and numbe
manually add the company's name to the top of the report. I'm wondering, i
there a way for word to do this automatically? Like is there a way I can ge
Word to recognize that district x and county y on a form is company name z
automatically add that company's name to the top of the report
Thanks in advance.