Newbie- How Do I Baseline (level)?



Here's what I think leveling should do... I have 3 Summary tasks each with
dozens of tasks underneath. Each sub-task is set to "As Soon As Possible",
duration from 2h to 5d with no constraints. Total project hours about 2000
(1 year). I have one resource allocated to summary tasks as follows:

Summary Tasks:
Management - 15%
Development - 15%
Marketing - 70%

When I level the project, shouldn't the project completion date be pushed
out for one year? Shouldn't each task be stretched-out based on how the
resource time is being divided?

None of the dates or durations are being adjusted at all. All "leveling"
does is calculate the number of hours each summary task will receive from
the one resource. How do I get it to adjust task start times/durations and
estimate project completion dates?

Thanks, -Bob
MS Project 2000

Jan De Messemaeker

Hello Bob,

Indeed, Project doesn't work that way.
(I think it may be wiser to find out how it works; specifying how it shopuld
work does not seem a productive activity)

Assigning resources to summary tasks does exactly that - assign them for
the duration of the summary task to that task, not to the subtasks.
If you want to assign resources to tasks, that is what you should do.

Shouldn't each task be stretched out?
Read about assigning resources to tasks. In a nutshell, when you first
assign a resource to a task, duration will not change; when consequently you
modify the assignment Duration amy or may not change depending on task type.

And finally ... leveling. That will only shift tasks into the future when
that solves an overallocation. It will not change asignment units nor
duration of the task.
I hope this puts you on your way!

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620


Hi Jan,
Okay, I've been able to make progress by assigning each task with a resource
and a priority number. For the most part it (leveling) functions as I had
expected with 1 exception...

With reoccuring tasks the priority is set to 1000 which I guessed is to keep
it from being moved by leveling. However, on those days with reoccuring
tasks, the resource in some cases becomes overallocated. Why doesn't Project
move the non-reoccuring tasks (tasks with less than 1000 priority) to
resolve the overallocation? (I've checked these tasks and they do not have
other constraints that I can see that would prevent Project from moving it!)

Thanks, -Bob

Jan De Messemaeker

No time today... I'll be back with you tomorrow
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620
Bob said:
Hi Jan,
Okay, I've been able to make progress by assigning each task with a resource
and a priority number. For the most part it (leveling) functions as I had
expected with 1 exception...

With reoccuring tasks the priority is set to 1000 which I guessed is to keep
it from being moved by leveling. However, on those days with reoccuring
tasks, the resource in some cases becomes overallocated. Why doesn't Project
move the non-reoccuring tasks (tasks with less than 1000 priority) to
resolve the overallocation? (I've checked these tasks and they do not have
other constraints that I can see that would prevent Project from moving it!)

Thanks, -Bob

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