This work for me. I had to create a temp table that
mirrored the real table. the temp table was just for
working with a single record. the sub either updates a
record or adds a new record.
Private Sub cmdAccept_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Dbs_Disc As Database
Dim rsDisc As Recordset
Dim rsNN As Recordset
Dim dbs_tempDisc As Database
Dim rstempDisc As Recordset
If IsNull(Me!txtControlNbr) Then
MsgBox (" Enter a Control Number.")
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me!txtVendorName) Or IsNull(Me!txtBuyer)
Or IsNull(Me!txtRecdBy) Then
MsgBox ("Not enough data to add as Record")
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me!txtVendorName) Then
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me!txtBuyer) Then
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me!txtRecdBy) Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Me!txtControlNbr >= DLookup
("Disc_NN.Disc_NxN", "Disc_NN", "") Then
'here i check a table called NN(next number).
'If the number in Me!txtcontrolnbr is the next
'number then add new record else undate
'existing record.
Set Dbs_Disc = CodeDb()
Set rsDisc = Dbs_Disc.OpenRecordset("Disc",
'Add a new record
With rsDisc
!dis_ControlNbr = txtControlNbr
!dis_ItemID = txtItemID
!dis_Description = txtDescription
!dis_VendorName = txtVendorName
!dis_POonPackSlip = txtPOonPackSlip
!dis_PackSlipNbr = txtPackSlipNbr
!dis_PackSlipQty = txtPackSlipQty
!dis_POQty = txtPOQty
!dis_OKICountQty = txtOKICountQty
!dis_OverUnderPO = txtOverUnderPO
!dis_OverUnderPS = txtOverUnderPS
!dis_Other = txtOther
!dis_Recdby = txtRecdBy
!dis_DateRecd = txtDateRecd
!dis_Status = txtStatus
!dis_InstructionComments = txtInstructionComments
!dis_Buyer = txtBuyer
!dis_DateDispositioned = txtDateDispositioned
End With
MsgBox (" Record was added.")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryVMDDelNN", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryVMDNewNbr", acNormal, acEdit
'here i use the above 2 queries to delete the old
'next number and add the new next number for the
'next new record.
Call Clear_Form_Click
'edit(update) existing record
Set dbs_tempDisc = CodeDb()
Set rstempDisc = dbs_tempDisc.OpenRecordset
("tempDisc", dbOpenDynaset)
With rstempDisc
!dis_ControlNbr = txtControlNbr
!dis_ItemID = txtItemID
!dis_Description = txtDescription
!dis_VendorName = txtVendorName
!dis_POonPackSlip = txtPOonPackSlip
!dis_PackSlipNbr = txtPackSlipNbr
!dis_PackSlipQty = txtPackSlipQty
!dis_POQty = txtPOQty
!dis_OKICountQty = txtOKICountQty
!dis_OverUnderPO = txtOverUnderPO
!dis_OverUnderPS = txtOverUnderPS
!dis_Other = txtOther
!dis_Recdby = txtRecdBy
!dis_DateRecd = txtDateRecd
!dis_Status = txtStatus
!dis_InstructionComments = txtInstructionComments
!dis_Buyer = txtBuyer
!dis_DateDispositioned = txtDateDispositioned
End With
MsgBox (" Record was Updated.")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryVMDUpdate", acViewNormal,
acEdit 'update query
Call Clear_Form_Click
End If
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I have made a form that displays each field in a table.
In addition I have created two listboxes to let the user select values from
two table fields that together uniqely identifies a record. How do I write
an event procedure that retrieves the record? Is it easier to achieve this
using an index field in the table as a primary key?
I have tried to use the FindFirst command, but it seems to just allow a
search criteria that only includes one field?
Private Sub List1_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[field1] = '" & Me![List1] & "'"
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub
Thanks for any suggestions.
Kind regards
Frank Krogh