Newbie info req



I posted the message below to the newsgroup a couple of weeks ago and thanks
to everyone who replied. Everything's going fine but I was wondering about
some improvements to it.

I've set the print area so is it possible, when I tab across, to drop down
to the next row when it reaches the page limit?

Also, the first row, columns E to H, have the info ready with the amount in
and the rest of the cells are blank. Is it possible to have the info
automatically updated from E to H as soon as I start a new row rather than
having to manually highlight and drag down once the information has been put
into cells A to D
I hope you can understand what I mean


I've devised a basic spreadsheet which calculates the cost to hire a unit.

Col A = Item No
Col B = Date from
Col C = Date to
Col D = No of days
Col E = Cost per day
Col F = Net cost
Col G = VAT
Col H = Gross

This works fine, but what I want to include is the minimum rental period is
three months. So If someone rents the item for less than three months, the
figure in the net cost column would show the minimum cost



If you have your "sum of costs" in A1 and your "3monthMinimum" figure in B1,
this formula will give you the larger of the two.........


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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