Ok, here is some untested "air code".
The trick here is putting it in the right place. You may consider making
this code a sub in you form's module and using the code that follows in the
Before Update event of both the text boxes for field 1 and field 2.
Sub MakeClientKey
Dim strClientCode as String
Dim strClientNumber as String
strClientNumber = "01"
strClientCode = Left(Me![client surname],2) & Left(Me![client forename] _
& strClientNumber
Do While True
If IsNull(DLookup([Client_Key], "ClientTable", "[Client_Key] = '" _
& strClientCode & "'") Then
Me![client code] = strClientCode
Exit Do
strClientNumber = Format(CInt(strClientNumber) + 1, "00")
& strClientNumber)
End If
End Do
End Sub
In the events:
Dim blnMakeKey as Boolean
blnMakeKey = IsNull(Me![client surname]) or Me![client surname] = ""
blnMakeKey = IsNull(Me![client forename]) or Me![client forename] = ""
if blnMakeKey Then
Call MakeClientKey
End If
One other thing. I recommend not using spaces in any kind of name. That is
why in the code above, the bracketing is necessary. There are two common
techniques that make the names clear without spaces. One is Upper casing:
ClientForename, The Other is unerlines: Client_Forename. Either is
acceptable. My preference is to use Upper casing for everything except table
field names. That way I know when I look at my code what I am dealing with.
There are some other good naming conventions. I think if you search through
MSDN, you will find a good VB/Acces naming convention document.
Good Luck!
colm o'brien @btinternet.com> said:
I want to code a form text box to create a field in table from two others
and a number.
field1 client forename
field2 client surname
field3 client code
when field1 and field 2 are entered i want field3 to be first two letters of
surnamethen first two letters or forename and two digit number.
eg obrien, colm would produce obco01 this will be primary index in table so
no duplicates so i want next obco eg obrien connor to give obco02 so code
should check if this exists and increment digits.
any help appreciated
thanksin advance