Well, NOW it lays flat just fine. Didn't when I got it.
This is pretty much how I use it:
Dim objBook as OutlookRef.PhysicalBook
Sub Employment(byRef lowPeon as Outlook.Programmer)
Dim objUsers as Outlook.Users
Dim objProject as Outlook.UserRequest
Dim objRequirement as Outlook.Feature
Set objUsers = CreateObject("Outlook.UserBase")
Set objBook = CorpPurchasing.CreateOrder(olJumpStart, lowPeon.Dept)
Do Until lowPeon.Age > 100
For Each objProject in objUsers
For Each objRequirement in objProject
If objRequirement.Solution = Nothing Then
objRequirement.Solution = ReadJumpStart(objRequirement.Keywords)
End If
objProject.Coding = objProject.Coding & _
objRequirement = Nothing
objProject = Nothing
objBook = Nothing
objUsers = Nothing
End Sub
Function ReadJumpStart(byRef colKeywords As Collection) as String
Dim colPages as OutlookRef.Pages
Dim objPage as OutlookRef.Page
Dim strKeyword as String
For Each strKeyword in colKeywords
Set colPages = objBook.ScanIndex(strKeyword)
For Each objPage in colPages
ReadJumpStart = ReadJumpStart & objPage.Read
objPage.ReadCount = objPage.ReadCount + 1
If objPage.ReadCount > 100 Then
MsgBox "Doh!!!", vbOKOnly, "Message to Self"
End If
objPage = Nothing
colPages = Nothing
End Function
Aw shucks, John. That's awfully nice of you to say. Does the book lay open flat OK? I'm always curious how people are using the actual volume.
While you're at slipstick.com, follow the links to order Sue's Jumpstart book. My copy spends most of its time beside my keyboard, open. Best 30-some bucks of my boss's money I've ever spent!