VBA Code:
Sub save_selection_mails_to_txt()
'The message you want to process
Dim MyMessage As Outlook.MailItem
'a number
Dim myItem As Long
Dim save_it As String
'if selection isn't present, don't do a thing
'you could build an extra check if the class
'of the selected item is a message or not
'because there are read receipt and taskitems in mailbox
If ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox "Select at least one mailmessage", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
For myItem = 1 To ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count
Set MyMessage = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(myItem)
save_it = MyMessage.ReceivedTime
'when using dates with /
save_it = Replace(save_it, "/", "_")
'when using hours with :
save_it = Replace(save_it, ":", "-")
'c:\txt-mails must be present as a directory
MyMessage.SaveAs "c:\txt-mails\" & save_it & " -- " & MyMessage.SenderName & ".txt", olTXT
'go to next selected mail
Next myItem
End Sub