Sorry Elvey, I'm stil not quite clear on what you have.
But let's suppose your excel file has 100 names/NI numbers, and your
document are called A,B,C,...,M,N,O
Let's assume you want to make 100 printed copies of document A where each
document is the same except for the Name and NI number.
What you do is
a. Open document A
b. Select Tools|Mailmerge
c. Select Create|"Form Letters"
d. Select Get Data|Open Data Source, then in the Open Data Source Dialog
box, locate and select your Excel workbook, and click Open. It may help to
select the Excel file option in the "Files of Type" dropdown.
e. a copy of Excel should open and the spreadsheet should open. But you
should not have to do anything in Excel.
f. in Word, the Mailmerge Toolbar should have appeared. Click where you
want the name to be printed in the document, then click the Insert Merge
Field button and select "Name" (or whatever the column is called in the
spreadsheet). Word should put a "placeholder" field looking rather like
<<Name>> in your document. Repeat for the NI number.
g. save the mail merge main document.
At this point you can either print all 100 document A copies by selecting
the Merge to printer button near the right hand end of the mailmerge
toolbar, or the merge to a new document option (another button on the
toolbar). Since you are new to Mailmerge, I would do the latter. Word should
generate an output document containing one Word /section/ for each letter.
You can then print this file, or print selected letters by specifying a
range of sections to print in the usual Word FilePrint dialog, e.g. s1-s3.
You can then repeat that for each of the other 14 letters.
If that isn't what you are trying to do, please tell us how what you need
differs from the above.