Newbie nuisance question



I'm learning macros at the moment and thought I'd venture to write one which
I needed myself but I could do with some help, since I spent hours today
trying everything that occured to me and searching the internet when I
should be studying since I've an exam on macros tomorrow.

I import an list of people from the internet by using a web query in excel
(labelled provisions) I selected a group using the first letter of the last
name and used record macro to copy the selection and paste the values into
another worksheet labelled with that letter, eg labelled A. At the end of
the macro, I'd like to be able to move the cursor to the next blank line in
worksheet A, Col 1 so that the next time I run the macro it adds to the
list. The names are in Col 2, todays date is in Col 1. I'm using MS office

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub


Steve Schapel


The focus of this newsgroup is on Macros in Access, the database
product. You will have a betterr chance of good help with your question
in an Excel-related newsgroup.

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