Newbie Q ... setting field values on an event


Sean M

I'm just getting started here ... and am looking for a little help. How do
you set the value of a field (via JS) on an event such as "OnLoadEvent" or
"OnAfterChange" ? If anyone can share a little code sample I would be very
grateful. Thanks Sean

Franck Dauché

Hi Sean,

Use XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(YourXPath).text = "test";
Your XPath is something such as: "my:myFields/my:......./my:fieldName"

Why don't you look at the samples that shipped with InfoPath, you will see a
lot of JScript code there.


Franck Dauché

Sean M


Franck Dauché said:
Hi Sean,

Use XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(YourXPath).text = "test";
Your XPath is something such as: "my:myFields/my:......./my:fieldName"

Why don't you look at the samples that shipped with InfoPath, you will see a
lot of JScript code there.


Franck Dauché

Franck Dauché

You are welcome.
Good luck with your InfoPath developments.

Franck Dauché

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