Newbie Quest. On Black Line Appearing Across Page After Pasting ?




Have installed my old Word from 1993 along with the new Word 2002 on to my
new XP PC.

Wow, is everything different.

Not an expert, or big user, of Word. All I want is to be able to do real
simple word processing.

Anyway, when I cut and paste some text from one document into the one
I am working on, Word seems to put in a solid thin black line at the point
the pasting was done. Sometimes it seems to do it above and also below.

Let me describe the horiozontal line going across the page a bit better:

If I place the cursor two very small bars appear directly on top and bottom
of this page line I'm
inquiring about..

It is then possible to drag the line up and down a bit. This is probably
the key to what it might be ?

Any idea what this is ?

How do I get rid of it ?

How do I prevcent it from happening again ?

I thought that it might be what's apparently called a Page Break, but not so
sure that it is this.

It might also have nothing at all with the pasting operation, but some kind
of formatting operation, perhaps ?


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