Newbie question ... copying macros to a different module


JoAnn O'Brien

I created some macros but forgot to create a new module to
keep them in. As a result, they are under "New Macros".

I copied/pasted them into a new module named the way I
want it and deleted the New Macros module. Now they no
longer work and I get a "can't find macros" error.

What am I doing wrong?

Jonathan West

How are you calling them? Are you simply selecting the macro from the ools,
macros dialog, or have you created a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut for
the macros?

If you have created a button or shortcut, then you will need to recreate it,
as they store both the module name and macro name, and you have changed the
module name.


Thanks. That seemed to be the problem. I was calling them
via macros on a toolbar. Recreating them fixed the

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