Newbie question on security


Steve Roberts

I had an old intranet server(windows nt 4.0 IIs 4.0) that blew up last week.
I decided it was a good time to upgrade the OS etc.. So I loaded Server 2003
+ all Patches (Computer name stayed the same) and Copied the entire contents
of the old intranet to the c:\inetpub\wwroot folder. Everything worked right
out of the box except nobody but the Domain Administrators can update the
pages. I have a Security Group called "WebDesign" that should also be able
to make changes.

I changed the NTFS rights to include the Users that should be able to make
changes and even created a share at the root of the web with those same
rights. Is there somewhere else I need to make the changes?

I have not touched IIS or frontpage until this weekend so I am completely
ata a loss.



Kevin Spencer

If you wanted the permissions to go with the web, you should have published
it instead of copying the files. The metadata was not published to the new


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.

Steve Roberts

Hmm... So now that I am here how do I change the permissions? Do I need to
start over?

Kevin Spencer

Hmm... So now that I am here how do I change the permissions? Do I need to
start over?

No, not necessarily, as long as you are the Administrator for the web. You
can set permissions for it all by itself. The permissions can be the same as
the original, or different.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.

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