Newbie Question.



Hi All,

I am very new to InfoPath, so please excuse the question!

My requirement is to design a purchase order form that will be integrated
into our companies SharePoint site, then once the user clicks the "Save"
button the form must automatically be saved using the Purchase Order number
as the filename.

I have designed the form without any issues, but am desperately stuck with
the saving part - if anyone has some sample code or script for me I would
greatly appreciate it!


Bob P


I just finished a similar project. I ended up creating a button with
the following rules:

Query sharepoint for last PO#
Set PO# to Query +1
Submit using PO# as filename

There are a number of small issues you need to deal with, such as
making sure no one uses the same number while you're filling out a
form. My solution works OK with an office of about 25 users and 100
PO's a day.

Email me if you want a copy of my form ( rpalnik -at- )

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