Carol Williams
Hello everyone,
Working in Word97
In the Project Explorer:
In the Microsoft Word Objects folder, I see a document icon
"ThisDocument". I have code written in "ThisDocument" in which an
array "Text(1 to 6) as String" is dimensioned. The elements of this
array are visible in "ThisDocument".
I also have a form in the "Forms" folder called "frmDataInput" which
has its own set of code.
The code in "ThisDocument" makes "frmDataInput" visible.
After that, I want to use elements of "Text(1 to 6) as String" from
"ThisDocument" in the code within the form.
The code in the form creates errors when I refer to an element of
"Text(1 to 6) as String" which I believe are related to "visibility".
How do I make the variables in "ThisDocument" usable in
Working in Word97
In the Project Explorer:
In the Microsoft Word Objects folder, I see a document icon
"ThisDocument". I have code written in "ThisDocument" in which an
array "Text(1 to 6) as String" is dimensioned. The elements of this
array are visible in "ThisDocument".
I also have a form in the "Forms" folder called "frmDataInput" which
has its own set of code.
The code in "ThisDocument" makes "frmDataInput" visible.
After that, I want to use elements of "Text(1 to 6) as String" from
"ThisDocument" in the code within the form.
The code in the form creates errors when I refer to an element of
"Text(1 to 6) as String" which I believe are related to "visibility".
How do I make the variables in "ThisDocument" usable in