Newbie seeking a One-Stop website to explain all DAO details simply


Richard Hollenbeck

Of course DAO isn't simple, but the explanation could be, for example,
non-specific to any particular application. The explanations could possibly
be stated in a way that doesn't assume a high degree of expertise. If I
just wanted a basic description **in general terms** about what I need to do
to open a recordset--ANY recordset (not just one specific to an example,)
where would I go? The WWW is so cluttered it's hard to find this kind of
general information.

What I'm trying to learn how to do:
define or dimension a database and recordset
open it up
browse records
query records
display results
save results into variables
do calculations on those variables
again, display more results
etc., etc., etc.

Could somebody either point me to a website that describes the basics, or
else just describe them? I'm Sorry about me being so retarded, but maybe
other newbies are also confused. Maybe one answer could benefit half a
dozen other newbies as well as myself.

Many thanks.

Rich Hollenbeck
Moreno Valley, CA


You are right and wrong. You're right in that WWW is
cluttered and things are hard to find; when you don't know
what you're looking for. But you are wrong to think that
you will find a site which gives you the exact knowledge
you are looking for.

From what you have written, you really need to do a
beginners course in Access to give you the fundementals,
so you can then know what to look for.

What you really are saying is that you want free training,
but sorry, no such luck.

Richard Hollenbeck

You're exactly right. I need to go to the local community college and
enroll in a course in VBA for Access. I am getting through these
fundamentals, but it's hard without a book and an instructor. Trial and
error takes so much longer. I finally got a DAO.recordset open and reading
my records, which was what I was struggling with this morning. I just
looked at enough examples and tried to whittle them down to the bone until I
got some generic code that I could use as a template.

Thanks for the free advice. School starts next week. Maybe I can still get
in before all the classes close.

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