newbie to numbering multiple sections


Jim Y

I have a new PC with XP home edition and MS Works Suite 2004 which includes Word (I assume Word 2004). This is my first
attempt to number multiple sections in a Word document. So far my attempts have met with failure because I do not know
what I am doing. I have read various posts but have not been able to find all of the controls mentioned. Attempting to
remove the exiting page numbers, the H&F tool bar has the Same as Previous not enabled. I can't remove the exiting
numbers. I need detailed guidance.

What I want to do:
I have three sections that I want to have the following numbered pages:
1) A cover - one sheet with no page number on either side
2) An introduction - two pages i and ii (odd numbered page is always the right hand page)
3) The main body - 15 pages 1 - 15

What I have now:
Right now the cover (item 1) is a separate document. I want to merge/insert it into the next pair of items.
Items 2 and 3 are in a second document with 17 numbered pages.

What I need help with is:
How do I merge the two documents so that the cover is the very first sheet? (Blank on the obverse)
How do I get rid of the numbers presently on Items 2 & 3?
How do get the cover to have no number, the intro to be pages i and ii, and the body to be numbered 1 through 15?

I haven't given a thought to a Table of Contents. That would be part of the intro numbering system I assume.

I appreciate all the help you can provide.

Jim Y

Jim Y

the existing page numbers, the H&F tool bar has the Same as Previous not enabled. I can't remove the existing

That is EXISTING not exiting in the above.
Sorry about the slip,
Jim Y

Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, there is no Word 2004; Word 2003 just came out. Works Suite 2004
contains Word 2002. For help with what you are trying to accomplish, see To remove the
existing page numbers (the ones you wish were exiting <g>), just select and
delete. If there's a chance they were inserted using the Insert | Page
Numbers command (which inserts them in a frame) rather than the Insert Page
Number button on the Header and Footer toolbar, see for
instructions on safe removal.

Jim Y said:
I have a new PC with XP home edition and MS Works Suite 2004 which
includes Word (I assume Word 2004). This is my first
attempt to number multiple sections in a Word document. So far my
attempts have met with failure because I do not know
what I am doing. I have read various posts but have not been able to find
all of the controls mentioned. Attempting to
remove the exiting page numbers, the H&F tool bar has the Same as Previous
not enabled. I can't remove the exiting
numbers. I need detailed guidance.

What I want to do:
I have three sections that I want to have the following numbered pages:
1) A cover - one sheet with no page number on either side
2) An introduction - two pages i and ii (odd numbered page is always the right hand page)
3) The main body - 15 pages 1 - 15

What I have now:
Right now the cover (item 1) is a separate document. I want to
merge/insert it into the next pair of items.
Items 2 and 3 are in a second document with 17 numbered pages.

What I need help with is:
How do I merge the two documents so that the cover is the very first sheet? (Blank on the obverse)
How do I get rid of the numbers presently on Items 2 & 3?
How do get the cover to have no number, the intro to be pages i and ii,
and the body to be numbered 1 through 15?
I haven't given a thought to a Table of Contents. That would be part of
the intro numbering system I assume.

Jim Y

Using your instructions, it worked for me. Thank you for your guidance.
Jim Y

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Glad I could help.

Jim Y said:
Using your instructions, it worked for me. Thank you for your guidance.
Jim Y

includes Word (I assume Word
2004). This is my first attempts have met with failure
because I do not know find all of the controls
mentioned. Attempting to Previous not enabled. I can't
remove the exiting
merge/insert it into the next pair

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