Newbie trying to use MS Access to send Outlook emails



I have read many posts about how to use this code or that to get
Outlook to send an email based on an Access table. Problem is, I have
no clue where to start or where to put all of this wonderful code! Can
someone please baby step me through this process? So far, this is what
I have.
I have multiple contacts with email addys set up in Outlook
I have an "advertiser" spreadsheet set up in MS Excel with advertiser
names and info for their records, there can be more than one record per
I have several tables set up in Access that look at the Excel
spreadsheet, get the info I want out, and place it all into a new table
I also have a Delete table set up to clean up this new table, as I need
new info to overwrite old on a daily basis.
I am guessing I will need to write a macro that uses the delete table
to clean the new table out, then runs the two make table queries to put
the new info in.
I can manage that okay.
What I need now is to find out how to also add to this macro, the email
I need Access to take all of the records in the new table, and based on
the advertiser name, go into Outlook and find the contact with the same
name and insert the records for that advertiser and email it to them.
I know, I don't ask for much.
I know this is possible, but I have absolutley no idea what to do next.
Please Advise! :)


I tried that, but I do not want to send the entire table to a list of
recipients. I only want to send each recipient THEIR peice of the
table. Also, I wanted Access to look into Outlook to get the email addy
for each recipient, as it is already in Outlook.


Another quick thought,
Is it possible to have Access use the advertiser names in the Access
table to compare with the Contact names in Outlook and use Outlooks
email addys to send the emails> Or amI going to have to maintain 2
separate contact lists? One in Outlook and an identical one in the
Access table? I am so confused. It seemed like it should be a simple
1) Pull the Advertiser Info from its datasource (I wish it was in my
same database too ! :) )
2) Create the necessary queries in Access to create a table narrowed
down only to the info I need (using the advertisers already in the
Access database, of course)
3) Have Access use Outlook to send out an email to each Advertiser with
their respective records in the body of the message.
Little did I know it would be so hairy...Arrghh! I am so tempted to
just drop the whole thing and keep cutting and pasting from the
spreadsheet the manual way. But the nerd inside me just won't let it

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