Newbie with problems



When we created our web page we mistakenly put everything unde
something called WILGILSWEB.
Our web page is

Try as we might we cannot get rid of this layer. When we go onto th
home page everything is fine, but when we go onto any other page we ge
this: Kilnsea.htm

The trouble is that we are publishing to our site without WILGILSWE
and so no changes that we make show up. If when in any page I delet
WILGILSWEB then I get to the correct page, i.e. Kilnsea.htm

I do hope that I am making myself clear - I am a complete tyro!

With the help of my neice (at a distance) we created myweb2 an
published that, hoping it would work but it did not.
Can anyone help me!!!
Jan Crowthe

Thomas A. Rowe

How are you publishing (URL) the local copy to the remote site?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


We have just been publishing it using the Frontpage software onto Purpl
Cloud, who say they cant help us.

This is what they said:

You're probably still publishing to the WILGILSWEB folder, and not to
httpdocs. See if your changes have appeared on the files within thi

You need to somehow get your computer to stop publishing to the
WILGILSWEB folder, otherwise these problems will continue.

Purple Cloud

But we dont know how to do that

Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

A few problems..
-A host that is not helpful.
-Your web is on linux server so you need to remove all spaces (they will show as %20 ) from file and folder names.
-You do have a index page where it should be but its got a java applet trying to run that totally wacks my browser.
-Your site does have FP extensions enabled (dunno if they're working or not) but you should be Publishing like this:

Open FP
Open Web/Site (whatever you call it on your local machine)
Then File | Publish Web/Site
then enter:
(unless your host specifically told you to publish to a different place)
Do a full publish.

Get rid of whatever java applet you have on the index page. I suspect it may be hover buttons but can't be I said it crashed me so I couldn't see what.

Well, I just got in long enough to see you have also named your index page; Index.html - Don't use capitalization, or spaces on *nix systems webs.

There's more, but this ought to keep you off the streets for a few hours :)

| We have just been publishing it using the Frontpage software onto Purple
| Cloud, who say they cant help us.
| This is what they said:
| Hi,
| You're probably still publishing to the WILGILSWEB folder, and not to
| httpdocs. See if your changes have appeared on the files within this
| folder.
| You need to somehow get your computer to stop publishing to the
| WILGILSWEB folder, otherwise these problems will continue.
| Regards,
| James
| Purple Cloud
| But we dont know how to do that!
| --
| odinpareenPosted from newsgroup access


Thanks I will pass this on to our niece who knows more than us. I go
rid of the WILGILSWEB layer but have apparently deleted all the link
with it so will leave well alone until she can follow your advice.

Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

WILGILSWEB was either a folder or a subweb that you were inadvertantly publishing to. When your niece comes round have her remove your java menu and get you setup with a different menu scheme and then republish to the web.


| Thanks I will pass this on to our niece who knows more than us. I got
| rid of the WILGILSWEB layer but have apparently deleted all the links
| with it so will leave well alone until she can follow your advice.
| Thanks
| --
| odinpareenPosted from newsgroup access

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