I need a formula to: If 'B8' >80% then 'C3' * .63% and / that by 12, if 'B8'
is >85.01%, * 'C3' by .86% and / that by 12, etc. Please help with example.
Well, for what you specify, you could do simply:
=if(B8 > 85.01%, C3*0.86%/12, if(B8 > 80%, C3*0.63%/12, ""))
Note that I added a 3rd result: "" (null string). The point is:
what do you want if B8<=80%? Replace "" with whatever you want.
Moreover, if all results can be express as "C3 times some percent,
then divided by 12", you can simplify the expression in any of a
number of ways. One way:
=C3 * if(B8 > 85.01%, 0.86%, if(B8 > 80%, 0.63%, 50%)) / 12
where I substituted "" with 50% arbitrarily.
One last comment, if I may: comparing with numbers like 85.01% --
even 80% -- is dubious because such numbers are rarely stored
internally exactly as they are displayed in a cell. I suspect you
would be happier if you write:
=C3 * if(round(B8,4) > 85.01%, 0.86%, if(round(b8,2)>80%, 0.63%,
50%)) / 12
and perhaps you want the second ROUND to be to 4 dp, too.