


I need a formula to: If 'B8' >80% then 'C3' * .63% and / that by 12, if 'B8'
is >85.01%, * 'C3' by .86% and / that by 12, etc. Please help.


I think you have posted this elsewhere and got answers there. One
thing you should learn as a Newbie is to post only once for each topic
- multiple posting is frowned upon.



I think you have posted this elsewhere and got answers there.
One thing you should learn as a Newbie is [...]

.... to make the Subject of the posting relevant and reasonably
distinctive. Even "help with formula" is better than "newbie". But
"help with IF" or "help with IF with two conditions/results" is even

to post only once for each topic - multiple posting is frowned upon.

Yes, and perhaps a little too much.

In this case, the duplicate postings seem to be about 24 minutes
apart; at least, those are the two postings I see. Giving Lena the
benefit of the doubt, I would guess that the visibility of the first
posting was delayed significantly, at least on her newserver. After
more than 20 minutes, even I might wonder if I truly submitted the
posting, or if I did something stupid that trashed it. So I, too,
might post again. (Well, first I would look at some other
newservers. But I'm not a "newbie" ;->.)

So my advice to newbies and experienced users, too, is: if you
purposely repost in such circumstances, preface or footnote your
reposting with an apologetic explanation. For example: "sorry if
this is a duplicate, but I'm not sure my first posting went through".
And of course, wait a reasonable amount of time before reposting --
which I think Lena did.

----- original posting -----

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