

Susan Gottfried

I'm a total newbie...I've been given a database with reports that utilize
the RTF2Ctrl object and I know that the RTF2 ActiveX Control Module from is referenced. I am tasked with slightly modifying two reports
to match ones that are professionally designed, therefore I need to modify
the font and background colors of the RTF2Ctrl. I notice that in the
database, some fields have the following:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS
Sans Serif;}}
which appears to be the place where I can modify the font, but I don't know
how to parse this or find other options for customization. Can you help
point me in the right direction?

Susan Gottfried

Stephen Lebans

To programmatically parse and modify the RTF data is not a trivial
undertaking. The level of complexity involved is directly related to the
amount of formatting within the existing RTF data. Changing a global font
name is striaghtforward. Multiple fonts per paragraph(s) would be another
matter altogether.

The entire RTF spec can be found here:

If you only have a few hundred records, it might be easier for you to
manually perform the modifications via the user interface supplied by the
RTF2 control.


Stephen Lebans
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