newest pages in browsers?



I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, newb here. We are updating a
scheduling page on our website daily. Several clients have called and say
they are seeing data on their browsers that is sometimes days old.
I know I can tell them to "hold Ctrl and click refresh", but is there
anything we can do to the website to make it automatically load the newest
version to their browser?

Thanks in advance.

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

if they're all getting these results and are using AOL you can add cgi to
the file name. for instance if it's menu.htm you could modify it to
sounds weird, but I had a client with a daily changing restaurant menu and
her friends were seeing the page from the cache server. after I did this
the pages stopped getting cached.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Andrew Murray

In Internet Explorer under Tools > Internet Options the "Settings" under the
'Temporary Internet Files' heading, there are settings to make the browser
check for new content every time the page is visited etc. Ask your visitors
to check their browser settings.

It seems that it is pulling the site from their web cache and not getting
the content from the server (or checking that the content on the server has
in fact changed).

There should be similar options for other browsers

Cheryl Wise

Changing the file extension to asp, aspx, php, cfm, jsp or whatever
scripting language the web host supports works as well. You don't have to
have any dynamic code on the page as long is the caching server *thinks*
something is dynamically generated it won't cache the page.

Trevor L.

Someone told me that adding these tags in the <head> section will prevent
cached pages being used

<!-- These tags ensure that cache copy is not used -->
<meta http-equiv="expires"
content="Wed, 03 Nov 1999 12:21:14 GMT"> <!-- I assume that this
date can be any earlier date -->
<meta http-equiv="Pragma"
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control"

I have to take this on face value, as I really don't know whether it does or
Trevor L.

Challen said:
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, newb here. We are updating a
scheduling page on our website daily. Several clients have called and say
they are seeing data on their browsers that is sometimes days old.
I know I can tell them to "hold Ctrl and click refresh", but is there
anything we can do to the website to make it automatically load the newest
version to their browser?

Thanks in advance.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

I think that's why the _cgi thing works. I think the AOL cache engine
believes it'll have some dynamic content.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

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