I would like to insert a row into a table, one of the columns is a
uniqueidentifier (primary key) for my insert I have the following code.
dim varExhID as variant
varExhID = newid()
strSQL = "Insert into ExhibitorsTest (ExhibitorID, ExhibitorShortName,
ExhibitorName, ProductDescription, DivisionID, ShowCategories) " & _
"VALUES ('" & varExhID & "'," & _
"'" & strExhibitorShortName & "', " & _
"'" & strExhibitorName & "', " & _
"'" & strProductDescription & "', " & _
varDivID & _
"'" & bytShowCategories & "')"
The error I get is Compile error, Sub or Function not defined and it does
Does not like the newID() What function is used to create a unique GUID so I
can insert a row into the table?
uniqueidentifier (primary key) for my insert I have the following code.
dim varExhID as variant
varExhID = newid()
strSQL = "Insert into ExhibitorsTest (ExhibitorID, ExhibitorShortName,
ExhibitorName, ProductDescription, DivisionID, ShowCategories) " & _
"VALUES ('" & varExhID & "'," & _
"'" & strExhibitorShortName & "', " & _
"'" & strExhibitorName & "', " & _
"'" & strProductDescription & "', " & _
varDivID & _
"'" & bytShowCategories & "')"
The error I get is Compile error, Sub or Function not defined and it does
Does not like the newID() What function is used to create a unique GUID so I
can insert a row into the table?