News Messages - Duplicates. Advice please.


Paul Woodsford

Hi all.
Occasionally my ISP's news server misbehaves and I end up downloading
duplicate messages. No a big-big problem in itself, but I was wondering if
anyone knew of an applescript that could automate the identification and/or
deletion of these duplicates?

I can see that there are scripts to do it for emails but I couldn't find
anything for News messages.

Any advice on where to look etc: would most welcomed.

Diane Ross

automate the identification and/or
deletion of these duplicates?

I can see that there are scripts to do it for emails but I couldn't find
anything for News messages.

I've never had dups for the newsgroup messages. I'm surprised that the same
scripts don't work. Are you using the Entourage newsreader?

Paul Woodsford

I've never had dups for the newsgroup messages. I'm surprised that the same
scripts don't work. Are you using the Entourage newsreader?

Yes, fully updated Entourage.

Diane Ross

Yes, fully updated Entourage.

Instead of using your ISP's news server, use the Microsoft server in
Entourage for this group. I'll ask to see if you can edit the script for

Paul Woodsford

Instead of using your ISP's news server, use the Microsoft server in
Entourage for this group. I'll ask to see if you can edit the script for
Hi Diane,
I use the MS news server for this group and other MS groups, but also I use
my ISP, Virginmedia, for other newsgroups and occasionally I get a double
download of duplicate articles normally after they have had a problem and
this is where it would be nice to delete the duplicates.

Diane Ross

I use the MS news server for this group and other MS groups, but also I use
my ISP, Virginmedia, for other newsgroups and occasionally I get a double
download of duplicate articles normally after they have had a problem and
this is where it would be nice to delete the duplicates.

I should have thought of this before, but you can't delete newsgroup
messages so no script will do this for you.

Copies are simply cached to the computer. You can't delete the messages from
the server. Only your ISP can fix this. Currently there is no way to flush
this cache in Entourage 2008. You could do a test.

1) Create a new Identity in Entourage
2) Setup your news servers in the new Identity

Do you still see the duplicates? If yes, then it's not Entourage but your
ISP's problem. If no, then it's your database.

Empty cache files in Entourage 2008

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