Newsgroup for document scanning/imaging?



Wondered if there's a group somewhere that discusses systems for document
management aka document imaging, image capture, scannning, etc.
(MS groups are sparse on this topic, except brief mention here or there).
Need a neutral group, not a software or scanner-hardware group, and not
white papers--there are lots of these "how to" but no place to ask questions
and discuss latest things.

Would like to set up a moderate cost desktop-PC system to quickly scan
thousands of filed-away business document pages into digital (probably pdf),
and archive them, to save space as well as retrieve very fast if needed.
Would seem this is simple, but turns out there are many issues, standards,
decisions...and prices are all over the board for things like scanners ($99
to $20,000) and software ($99 to $millions). Looking for a newsgroup that
deals with off-the-shelf solftware, scanners, and how-to for a good quality
desktop-PC business office system.

John Ski

Would like to set up a moderate cost desktop-PC system to quickly scan
thousands of filed-away business document pages into digital (probably pdf),
and archive them, to save space as well as retrieve very fast if needed.
Would seem this is simple, but turns out there are many issues, standards,

I don't know where you are, but in my area(large US Midwest Urban) there are a
number of companies that will do this at a reasonable cost. So if you have a
relatively large number of archived docs, but the daily load is small, you can
get the old docs on CD quickly and purchase a scanning system to meet the day
to day needs rather than over equipping to satisfy the one-time need to get the
archived stuff in.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***


Thanks, John,
Yes, a very good point about overequipping for the initial surge. Am in
southeast metro... would you happen to know if any of the companies you know
are national chains. Other thing slightly concerned about are variables
such as quality and cost, one here charges $0.05/page plus surcharges for
this and that (my 100,000 pages would be $5,000+), and a national copy
company mentioned something like $1800 for 1000 pages (hmmmm... that would
be $180K for all), assuming everything presented in nearly perfect
scan-ready condition. Had in mind scanning in spare time, over month or two
until got caught up. Still would greatly appreciate knowing of newsgroup(s)
the focus on scanning, paperless office, etc., etc. Thanks

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