Newsgroup Notification


Mary Fetsch

Whenever I post a newsgroup message, I click the "Notify me of replies" box,
but lately I have not received any notifications when I have replies to my
post. Any idea why?

JE McGimpsey

If you actually post a newsgroup message (i.e., directly to a news
server via a newsreader, telnet, etc), there is no "reply" function -
that's not the way newsgroups work.

If instead you're posting via a web portal, it's up to that portal to
keep track of replies. Are you always using the same portal? If so, are
you always logged in under the same account (so it knows where to send
the notification)?

And (just curious) did you get notified of this reply?

Mary Fetsch

Thanks for your reply. I'm posting to this newsgroup and clicking the box
that says "Notify me of replies" . I did not get notified about your reply.
It may be a problem with our email not letting it get through to me
(detecting it as spam). We're looking into that.

JE McGimpsey

As I wrote before - you're actually posting to a web portal (which then
posts to the newsgroup on the server farm), since
newsgroups don't have any provision for "boxes".

All I was getting at is that it might be the portal that's broken. The
one you're using also happens to be a Microsoft product, so that's a
distinct possiblity. <g>

In any case, good luck!

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